lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

The Staff

Montessori School has the following organization:

  • Principal: Cecilia Trelles de Aragón

  • Viceprincipal: Magda Zapata Luyo

  • Promoter: Cecilia Elías de Gúlman

After School Activities

The after school activities that the school has are:

  • Women´s Basketball: Prof.Francis Sims
  • Men´s Basketball:Prof.Miguel Cruz
  • Men´s Soccer:Prof.Ricardo Rodriguez
  • Men and women´s Volleyball:Prof.Jimmy Hidalgo

Montessori School

Welcome to Montessori School's new interactive website.We are a private institution which is always focused on ability development like creativity,team work,self confidence and originality.

We want the best for our students and to get it it´s necesary:

  • That there are some personal relationships based on colaboration,confidence and mutual agreement.

  • To create positive habits in the students behavior,work,responsability,etc.

  • That our school responds to the expectations of the students,mothers,fathers and of the staff.